Bri Adams

Holistic Faith-Driven Birthkeeper & Doula

Big Island, Hawai’i

Birth is a Sacred event.

Fearfully and wonderfully made.

Our modern, medicalized, surveillance-based care doesn’t quite fill the role of support that women truly need to prepare for childbirth.

All women deserve a supportive witness, love, nourishment and guidance from their sisters, mothers, and greater female community during the rites of passage known as birth and motherhood.

For thousands of years this has been the norm, a foundation for healthy tribes and societies.

Tragically today many families are broken, and too many mothers are lacking in this crucial support in an increasingly atomized social climate of the Age.

I’m dedicated to playing my part in a calling to the service of women— collecting and weaving the strands of cultural wisdom & traditions in matrescence together through the lens of faith; while integrating the biological discoveries of the modern age.

I’m here to serve you the mother - with faith that empowers, knowledge that prepares, support that lifts you up, and loving companionship that brings light to the path you are called to walk in preparation for childbirth as a rite of passage.

1:1 Birth Support Call

   This is for expecting and postpartum mothers to gain acute support and guidance through a one-time call with optional follow-ups. 

My support strengths are:

  • physiologic birth education

  • holistic birth preparation (physical, mental & faith-based)

  • natural pain relief guidance & tips

  • medical autonomy advice

  • Birth fears’ debriefing

Doula Services

The Sacred Sister Package: Full Spectrum Virtual Birth Doula


The Womb-Tender Package: in-person Postpartum Doula


The Matriarchal Mother Package: Full Spectrum In-Person Doula


Get My Guide for Pain Coping Techniques in Labor!

My latest digital offering, The Singing Birthkeeper’s Guide to Pain Coping Methods in Childbirth, is an extensive glossary on the various natural methods for reducing pain and promoting labor progression for the mother. Get it here!